I imagine this article will be extremely influential among the masses of New York Times readers. The basic problem with the theory that the bigger are the markets, the more superstars will make, and this accounts for the dramatic rise in inequality in the US since 1980 is that it does not fit the data at all for other time periods or other countries, unless one is very selective with said countries and eras.
The article starts out with the stories about how, with television, the Yankees pay their players more because the potential market is bigger. OK, TV audiences are probably much larger than the 1970s, but let's apply the same logic to ticket prices. New York has roughly the same population in 2010 as it did in 1970. The highest priced ticket in 1970 was just $22 in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation. Today, the highest-priced ticket is $2,625. Again, that clearly has nothing to do with larger markets. And the increase in the most expensive ticket unfortunately "over-explains" the increases in players' salary, who haven't experienced 100+ fold salary increases.
Inequality was bad in the 1920s. After the New Deal, inequality was basically unchanged until the 1980s, despite the fact that corporations, profits, and big media, television, et. al. and company's market capitalization were much larger in 1970 than in 1933. Second problem is that Japan's economy grew like wildfire from 1946 to 1992, and nothing special happened to inequality. Mainland Europe and Korea also do not fit the pattern. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK basically only fit the model for some time periods -- i.e., since 1980 for New Zealand and the UK (Reagan-Thatcher revolution), Canada and Australia only more recently.
Thinking of writing your thesis on this? Well, there's already a Temin paper which basically explains all of this, and showing that institutional factors were largely at play. And yet, the "Superstar Effect" is still one of those zombie ideas that won't die... Mind you, it's not to say that I disagree with the notion that as a company's market size increases, it's likely to pay the CEO or top performing workers more, holding everything else constant. It's just that everything else hasn't been held constant in these studies which generally have as data one observation -- the US experience since 1980.
Update: The Temin "Treaty of Detroit" paper is here . Unions, taxes, and the minimum wage were are clearly three big institutional factors which changed around 1980.
Schedule for Week of February 23, 2025
4 hours ago
What's the Temin paper? Link?
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking a lot about why workers seemed to be paid so much better in the past, but now we hear "Why should we pay that much when there are others who will do it for less?" Why did it work for a while before, and not now? Why do we pay millions to people who play a game for a living when others would do the same work for much less?
ReplyDeleteI am beginning to suspect that it has a lot to do with the top tax rate. Here's why:
When Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream got started, they said that they would not ever be paid more than a certain percentage of their lowest paid worker's pay. That wasn't too hard when the total income of the company was reasonably small, but when the company became really sucessful, they essentially said "Well now let's not be ridiculous..." and the whole idea fell apart.
But what if their marginal tax rate had been 95%? Would it not then make sense to keep the money in the company in the form of better worker compensation? If the total income of a company is represented by a pie, and the top executives and owners have a low top marginal rate, then they will be inclined to keep more of it. But if they won't be able to keep it anyway, workers will get a bigger share.
The 80s saw a big drop in the top marginal rate, along with a lot of union-busting supported from the very top.
Does that make any sense? Obviously I'm not an economist.
Shouldn't the phrase...
ReplyDelete"Nearly 30 years ago, Sherwin Rosen, an economist from the University of Chicago..."
...set off some neural alarms right from the start?
-- sglover
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